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Class Raising Hands
  • Does Valor Wealth Partners only work with federal employees?
    We specialize in the unique benefits and needs of federal employees but do not require that you are one. We have many non-federal employees that are clients.
  • Why should I hire Valor Wealth Partners?
    Starting a relationship with a financial planner is a huge decision and hopefully, this is the last time you have to interview one. We know we are not the right advisors for every person and we aren't trying to be. Maybe we are what you have been looking for. If you like what you have seen so far, check out our section: Are We a Good Fit? Once you feel comfortable, schedule a complimentary meeting and we can answer your questions.
  • Aren't all financial professionals fiducaries?
    No. All licensed advisors follow complex laws to protect consumers, but they aren't all fiduciaries. Even worse, there are unlicensed people providing financial recommendations. All employees at Valor Wealth Partners have signed our Fiduciary Oath and are licensed to provide ethical advice. Our standards are higher than what is legally required.
  • What is the cost to create a plan?
    $2,500 (50% upfront and the remainder when your plan is delivered).
  • How long does it take to create a plan?
    Typically your plan is complete in 3 months. Depending on your needs, we can speed up our process or delay to accommodate when life throws you an unexpected surprise.
  • Can I hire Valor Wealth Partners without creating a plan?
    Your initial plan is critical to ensuring the guidance and recommendations we provide are thorough and accurate to your unique needs. This being said, in extremely rare situations, we may bring on a client without immediately creating a plan.
  • Am I required to have all meetings on your annual calendar?
    Absolutely not. Our annual calendar is to make your life better, not to waste your time.
  • Will I keep the same advisor on the Comprehensive Partners Platform?
    Yes. We believe strong personal relationships allow us to serve you better. If you choose the Comprehensive Partnership Platform once your Initial Plan is delivered, you will continue to work with that planner.
  • Can I hire Valor Wealth Partners one time using your hourly rate?
    Unfortunately, no. The best way we found to give the most appropriate answers is through strong personal relationships, which takes time to build.
  • How are you able to keep costs lower than industry averages?
    We use model portfolios that are statistically proven to capture most of a market's potential at various levels of risk. Smart technology helps us to efficiently maintain those portfolios which saves you money.
  • Why is there a lower cost if I use Ongoing Financial Planning?
    We believe the best way to serve our clients is to know them. Through comprehensive planning, we get to know you very well. The lower fee is to encourage stronger, more personal relationships. If you only want investment management, you might be better served at a firm that only manages your money.
  • Can you give me guidance if I want to manage my own investments?
    With our Ongoing Planning services, you receive big-picture guidance on your overall portfolio and suggestions on accounts were are unable to manage, such as your TSP. The day-to-day maintenance and security selection is your responsibility if you choose to manage your investments yourself.
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